Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Maori Summary of Creation

So basically the Maori supreme being is IO who first existed in, you guessed it, immense nothingness. He spoke light into existence by saying "darkness become a light possessing darkness"  he then created Ragni and Papa the Sky Father and Earth Mother. They were "cleaved together in a protective embrace" so close that neither light nor time could slip between them. The had hundreds of sons who eventually got tired of living in the darkness of their parents. The met to discuss this and one son, Tuma the god of war, wanted to kill the parents, but his brother Tane suggested the separate them and that is what they agreed upon.  So Tane put his shoulders on the earth and feet on the sky and pushed until they were separate. Earth Mother bleeds the red of the sacred clay and Sky father bled the red of the sunset. Sky Father, so saddened by the separation wept the rain and formed rivers and lakes. Eventually    sons got lonely and searched for a woman. Unable to find one Earth Mother took pity and told them where to form a women. They went their and out of earth formed a women whom Tane breathed life into and thus the earth was populated.

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